January 13, 2025
Dear SJS Families,
This year we are updating our tuition model to streamline our rate options available to families. As is the case every year, there is an increase factored into our rates to aid us in keeping up with rising costs. Our new model aims to be transparent with the actual cost to educate each student.
We are blessed to be able to offer our Catholic families a discount on their tuition thanks to parish contributions. Additional tuition discounts are available to Catholic families that participate in the EITC/SPE scholarship fund program or submit an application to the Neumann Scholarship Fund.
ALL families (Catholic and non-Catholic) are encouraged to submit an application to the Neumann Scholarship Fund. The income threshold to be eligible for financial aid has increased, so please apply even if you think you might not be eligible. It is imperative that all families who want to be considered for any type of financial aid apply for Neumann.
Please review tuition rate options for the 2025-2026 school year and reach out to Mrs. Lori Beauduy with any questions. Mrs. Beauduy’s email is lbeauduy@stjoesmech.org.
We never want tuition costs to stand in your way of a Saint Joseph School education for your child/children. Please reach out to us, and we will do our best to work with families as much as possible.