Help transform the future for Saint Joseph School students by participating in corporate giving through Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program. EITC benefits Saint Joseph School students by providing them with financial aid and the opportunity to receive an outstanding Catholic education that they otherwise may not have been able to afford.
Your participation means that you will be rerouting your tax dollars to benefit education. Eligible businesses can receive a tax credit equal to 90% of your contribution for a two year commitment, and a 75% credit for a one year commitment. Your contribution also qualifies as a charitable contribution which reduces the business’s net income for state and federal taxes, therefore saving the business money. This program is a win, win!
Please access and complete the EITC application at When filling out your application please select the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program.
Once approved by the PA Department of Community and Economic Development, your business will receive an acceptance letter. Your business has 60 days to submit a check to:
Diocese of Harrisburg
Neumann Scholarship Foundation
4800 Union Deposit Road
Harrisburg, PA 17111
Please note: Indicate on the check’s memo line “EITC for Saint Joseph School Mechanicsburg”
Upon receiving the check, the Neumann Scholarship Foundation will your send your business a receipt of contribution.
After receiving the receipt of contribution, your business will have 90 days from date of acceptance letter to submit a copy of the receipt to DCED to receive your tax credit.
PA Department of Commerce & Economic Development
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, 4th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225
Check with your accountant to see if your business qualifies
Contact the DCED: 1-800-379-7448 or
Contact Saint Joseph School: Amanda Koerner, Director of Development 717-766-2564 or